About Paula. . .

RadioPaulaWelcome to Taking Back Wellness, LLC.
You can read more about this website in “About This Site.”
Thanks for visiting. I truly appreciate your time and attention here.
First, let’s get the personal stuff outta the way. . .

So WHO the heck am I?
I’m Paula High-Young, the Certified Holistic Health Coach and Writer at Taking Back Wellness, LLC.

Near Ft. Sumner, New Mexico, USA about an hour’s drive from the Texas-New Mexico border. I’m in Mountain time zone. It’s in the United States of America, between Texas and Arizona. I was born and raised in Albuquerque. I’ve lived a few other places here & there. . . now & then. Albuquerque is my hometown and where I frequently visit my parents.

I’m a Certified Integrative Nutrition Holistic Health Coach (aka a Holistic Health Coach), certified by the Institute for Integrative Nutrition®.
I’m also a Certified Transformational Life Coach, certified by The Brave Thinking Institute®. I offer the life coaching services at Transformational Awakening Coaching (go there to learn more).

Most of my services are offered online, through Zoom conferencing calls, although I can see clients within an hour’s drive of Ft. Sumner, or in Albuquerque, if needed.

In the health coaching capacity, I help midlife and beyond, women (and a few men) who are navigating general (or specific) health, gut, and low-energy issues–who are feeling tired, lethargic, foggy, drained, maybe a little depressed, gassy, bloated, and generally crummy. I help guide you to reclaiming your energy, mood, inner-spark, focus, gut-health, and health-mojo– so you can Rock your life, live your dreams, and maximize your potential.

I also work with a colleague (Karen) who specializes in digestive health and targeted testing for potential food allergies, and other common issues frequently not tested by most regular doctors. Most regualr doctors don’t even know this kind of specialized testing exists. When I get booked up, I refer clients to her, as she started out with the same holistic health certification I did–from IIN®, then she went further and obtained additional degrees in the field.

What’s In It For YOU

WHAT Does a Health Coach Do?
I work one-on-one (and sometimes in groups) with folks who have developed what I call “Mystery Symptoms” the doctors cannot pinpoint.

If you’ve been to the doctor (or several doctors), done tests, and they still “can’t find anything physically wrong with you,” and they treat you like you’re crazy–Don’t despair!

If your current doctor is a regular, average, western-trained (allopathic) doctor, they were lucky IF they received 30-60 MINUTES of nutrition training in all their years of medical school. They know virtually NOTHING about Nutrition–which is probably where your issue(s) are living. Let’s boot those issues to the freakin’ curb!

I get it–you want to feel better! You’ve noticed your mojo and general “feel-good” got up and went. Now you feel like: “I’m tired, brain-fogged, can’t focus, and I don’t want to do anything anymore.”

As your holistic health coach, I guide you toward discovering ways to improve, get back on track, and reclaim the “feeling great” we all want to feel. I can’t do the work for you–I can guide you. You’ll need to be invested, willing to make changes, to work it. We will work in baby steps, if that’s more comfortable. But you must want to reach your health goal(s). I can work with you to figure those out, too.

WHAT Can I Do For You?
I listen. I don’t play the wellness game for you, I coach you from the sidelines while I observe and take notes on how you play this game of life. We talk, and I gather your information, so I understand how you got to where you are. No judgment. Just, “Let’s figure out your next best steps.” Then I guide you, hold you accountable, and redirect you in Taking Back Your Wellness.

It might be a specific set of complaints, or maybe something more general. If your conventional doctor,  told you, “It’s just part of aging. You might as well get used to it,” that’s bullshit! But they probably don’t know any better. Like I mentioned earlier, they did not receive the wellness training you’d expect doctors to get.

They were trained by a medical school system that takes millions of dollars in support from pharmaceutical (drug) companies. Those drug companies, then get to call the shots on medical school curriculums.

This happened at the hands of deep-pocketed financiers in the mid 1800s. Before that, nutrition (Use Food as Medicine), vitamin therapies, herbs, and other so-called “folk medicine” were the standards. But those methods were not (still are not) patent-able, or financially lucrative.

We are now beginning to understand that in many cases, it’s the toxic, synthetic chemicals–additives in foods, beverages, some supplements, body-care products (soaps, lotions, body-spritzers, skin care. . .), perfumes, colognes, cosmetics, hair-care products, laundry products, cleaning products, “air-fresheners,” pretty much anything these days with the word “fragrance” in the ingredient list, and sadly, many drugs–both prescription and over-the-counter (OTC).

I’m NOT telling you to stop taking ANY prescription or OTC drugs! That is a conversation between you and a good, qualified doctor. And IF you want to FIND a better doctor, I’m willing to help where I can.
But I’ll say it again–I am NOT telling ANYONE to stop taking ANY prescription or OTC drugs!!!

I WILL advise you to clean up your diet (I’ll guide in how), and to eliminate as many synthetic-chemical-laden products as possible. I can guide you in this. I HAD TO DO THIS, when I was diagnosed with chemical sensitivity and toxic overload back in 2013. So, I do understand the rigorous nature of this advice.


In the majority of cases, you can reclaim your wellness and feel better–if you’re willing to make gradual changes.

I don’t intend any disrespect to the conventional medical profession, but most of them were not taught much about diet, lifestyle, and real wellness. Many of them are unfamiliar with how to guide their patients in implementing healthy changes. They also don’t have the time or inclination to dig into searching for root causes.

Additionally, the “medical system,” as it’s currently set up, is an Insurance Model, not a patient-centered model. It crowds these practitioners with too many patients to effectively see in a given day for them to give enough TLC to any one patient. So the typical approach tends to be from an illness-management angle, rather than prevention or a true health and wellness perspective.

Mainstream Practitioners– I send you Love–It’s not y’all, it’s the current, broken medical system.

While you’re “feeling generally crummy,”  you’ll need a practitioner who has training in what’s called “Functional” or “Integrative” health and wellness.

Theses fine folks aren’t part of the traditional “Healthcare System” (which I call “illness-care”). Functional or Integrative practitioners can spend the time with you required to dig deep, research the root causes of your issues, and help you discover how to fix the problem(s). They also will likely not take insurance, I’m sorry to say. Even if they do, much of the testing you’ll likely require will probably not be covered, and thus be “out of pocket.”

That’s where I come in. I’m a trained and certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach. I can work as part of your wellness team if you prefer. But like any coach, I cannot do it for you. I can only guide you to the improvements you desire.

Why Should You Care?
Maybe you have become stuck in a vicious cycle of various symptoms– tired, puffy, brain-fogged, cranky, anxious, depressed, or having uncontrollable cravings for unhealthy foods (& the list of symptoms might seem a mile long)– and you’re feeling like you shouldn’t feel this old or tired so soon in your life. It’s not hopeless.

I get it because I was once there too. So insanely tired, felt like if this was all there was, why bother? I felt like I was in an energy vacuum. My brain felt so fogged-in, it was hard to focus or think straight. I was hurting all the time. I no longer had the energy to do things I used to enjoy doing. It sucked.

Maybe you’re there now. Mainstream doctors were clueless how to help and they did more harm than good. I had to pull myself out of a dark, icky hole.

There’s Hope!
That dark, icky hole of declining health and energy is what lead me to the school I attended for my training– the Institute for Integrative Nutrition®. Practicing what I learned and gradually working to heal myself– it didn’t happen overnight. It took time. And sometimes, I “fall off the wagon,” and have to get back to it.

I won’t bore you with my details now, but if you’re interested, I’ll eventually post a link to my story.
Or you can contact me and tell me what YOU are going through.

How in the world could you possibly “get better” or improve, when all the docs say you can’t? If you’re stuck somewhere in that spectrum of Blah, Health Coaching can probably help you. With my training and empathy, I can gently guide you through a personalized process toward correcting years of wellness missteps– discovering what’s out of alignment in your life and your body. Additionally, I have specialized colleagues who work with me if you need testing or special supplementation. Thus allowing you and your inner warrior to realign, get back on track and reclaim your rightful greatness.

I want you to feel as awesome as possible and to have the focus and energy to feel alive and do all the things you love to do. I want you to feel– maybe even better than ever– and experience life on your own terms. We will take baby-steps if we have to, but together we can find the right path for you to Take BackYour Wellness.
Let me help you Shine your Light.

Contact me for a free conversation.
Let’s see if we might be a good fit to work together.

Be Well,

Last edited: July 2017