Thanks for visiting Taking Back Wellness.
If this is your first visit, then Welcome. I appreciate your time and attention. I don’t take it for granted, and it’s my intention to deliver to you valuable content and services.
If you are returning, you will notice everything looks different now. Yep! I had some technical issues. I wasn’t equipped for them, but it’s taught me a thing or two about security. I was right in the middle of a year-long course of study. Life was tossing wrenches into the works, every which way! Then the hack. Ugh!
I’ve had to hit the reset button!
What’s New and Different?
In summer 2015, I completed my year-long study and earned my certification as an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach. I was about to add more content to this site (Yay!). . . then– I had a death in my family. So I needed to hit the pause button for a time. I had to deal with and process the loss before I could get back to getting this site put back together.
Crazy thing is, the older I get, the more people I lose (physical death is a part of living– sigh). I’ve actually been through a couple of such losses in the last several months. But Life (for me anyway) goes on. Onward! Next, I’ll be adding that content I promised and I’ll be putting together some awesome services and package programs for you.
Oh– and I’m expanding services. Initially, I was going to have just my Holistic Health Coaching packages and services offered. But now, I’ll be adding– Oh what to call it? It’s more than just editing services. I suppose I’ll call it, Editing, Book-Doctoring, and Communications Coaching packages and services– specifically for Holistic Health Practitioners.
So I’m back to this website building thing again. Unfortunately, it seems most of the former information and pages were lost. So I’m starting from scratch. . . again. I know! Kind of a bummer, as I don’t even remember what all was there. I had a backup. . . somewhere. But I’ll be darned if I can find it now.
But. . . NOT the end of the world as we know it, right? Maybe it’s best to start fresh. We will simply BREATHE through it and bring it back in an even better form.
You Might Be Asking, “What exactly, IS Taking Back Wellness anyway?”
In a Nutshell . . . Taking Back Wellness is my website & business which offers you information, resources, and services– for guiding you back to your most vital and energetic health and wellbeing. It’s guidance for you to reclaim your best YOU!
If you have been searching for why you feel sick and tired, and no one has been able to help you– stick around and visit frequently! I’ll have lots of information and services here for you (as I re-build).
It Does NOT Have to be That Way!
If doctor after doctor, after doctor, has told you, “It’s just part of aging. You might as well get used to it.” I call BS! They simply don’t have all the right information for you. Nor do they have the financial inclination to dig deep, do the research, and help you find and heal the root of the issue(s) causing you to feel crummy. I can help you with that.
Did you know– most MDs only got about 30 minutes of nutritional training and information in all their years of med-school? Crazy, right? But more and more of the health care professionals now are going back for more training, and they’re learning to go the “Integrative” or “Functional” route in health and wellness care.
But, Eeks! So much to share with you. And I have to rebuild this site to give you all that great stuff! I can hardly WAIT to get all that info to you. It will be an on-going process. PLEASE bookmark this site. Keep checking back with me. This is my new “job.” This is what I’ll be doing, for my living: Holistic health coaching, writing about holistic health and helping Holistic Health Practitioners better communicate their brilliance to the world. Together, we can all shine.
In the coming weeks, months, and probably years– I’ll be reconstructing this site. I’ll be finding the right “theme” and the right “look” for it, giving you information and resources, posting a few videos and even post my own story of how I came to be on this path. So stay tuned! Heck, I’m even considering hiring someone to help me with this website process. There are only so many hours in a day!
Please bear with me, as I reconstruct the Taking Back Wellness website, and get my packages and offerings posted up here for you. It’ll be so worth it! Thanks!!
Be Well,